Knox School Board Approves Additional Items for Third Phase of Building Project

The Knox School Board has finalized some additional items for the school corporation’s building project, after bids for the big-ticket items came in significantly under budget.

Board members recently accepted construction manager Larson-Danielson’s guaranteed maximum price of just under $13.7 million for the primary construction work. Project Manager Brian Larson said the school corporation benefited from the timing of the bidding process.

“There was excessive economic uncertainty. Construction is built with a long supply chain,” Larson explained. “There’s subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, material suppliers, material suppliers to those material suppliers. And that uncertainty caused every level to drop their prices. If anybody hit the market at the great time, you all did.”

Due to those savings, the school board was able to add a list of items totaling roughly $560,000 for a third phase of the project. That will include redoing the track around the football field, new case work in the high school science rooms, fencing around the baseball and softball diamonds, and new carpeting for the seventh and eighth grade hallway at the middle school.