Oregon-Davis to Postpone Start of School Year by Three Days

Oregon-Davis is delaying the start of the school year by three days. That moves the first day of class to Tuesday, August 11, according to a letter to parents from Superintendent Bill Bennett.

He tells WKVI News that one of the main reasons for the change is to give teachers more time to prepare for virtual learning. “We have about 20 to 25 percent of our kids at Oregon-Davis wanting to do the virtual option, and we felt like in order to deliver the best learning option possible for them, we need to get a little bit more professional development in and a little more planning for that,” Bennett says. “We weren’t expecting that many kids to take us up on that option.”

In his letter, Bennett says the delay will also give school officials more time to take into consideration all of the mandates from the governor, Indiana Department of Education, Indiana State Department of Health, and the CDC.

O-D has also extended the deadline to sign up for virtual learning to this Friday.