Purdue LTAP to Investigate Two Starke County Road Intersections

Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler told the Starke County Commissioners this week that Purdue LTAP will be investigating two road intersections.

Ritzler said additional information was recently sent to LTAP officials so they could analyze what recommendations would be preferred at County Roads 700 E. and 200 N. and 100 E. and 500 S. 

“County Roads 700 E. and 200 N. has had three accidents in the last year so that is pretty much going to mandate a change in that intersection,” Ritzler explained.  “100 E. and 500 S. will probably be changed as well.  They should have those recommendations by the end of this month.”

A four-way stop could be the change at the 100 E. and 500 S. intersection, although no decisions have been made. 

Ritzler will return to give the commissioners an update on discussions of a potential intersection improvement at State Road 23 and U.S. 30 following this week’s U.S. 30 coalition meeting.