Starke County Commissioners Contract with Company for SCEDF Review

The Starke County Commissioners approved a contract with Thomas P. Miller and Associates on Monday night whose representatives will conduct a review of the Starke County Economic Development Foundation (SCEDF). 

According to Project Manager Jack Woods, the review will focus on accomplishments of the foundation and how they can be built upon, future goals, and where efforts should be placed for economic development.  Woods said they will look into an economic snapshot of existing conditions in the county including socio-economic and demographic trends.

Woods commented, “We will also look a little bit deeper into industry trends and understand where the county’s strengths are and hopefully we’ll be able to build some strategies around that – really considering rural development and how the existing industry base can compliment some unique economic development strategies there.”

Stakeholder interviews will be a part of the process.  The company will develop strategies prior to the final phase where the representatives will see which direction the Starke County Economic Development Foundation is going.

Woods said the process is ready to get underway right away with a report to be provided to the commissioners in mid-to-late September. 

The commissioners and SCEDF Executive Director Larry Wickert both agreed that the company would do the best work for the county. 

The contract was approved at a cost of $10,000 with the cost split between the county and the SCEDF.