Starke County Veterans War Memorial Plaza Construction on Schedule

The construction of the Starke County Veterans War Memorial Plaza remains on schedule. 

The Starke County Veterans War Memorial Plaza is in the process of being constructed on the southeast corner of the Starke County Courthouse Square.  It will feature the names of fallen Starke County soldiers in wars dating back to the Civil War.  It will be accessible for all to view with seating available. 

Commissioner Kathy Norem, who is also a member of the Starke County Veterans War Memorial Plaza committee, gave an update to the commissioners on Monday thanking all who helped donate toward the IHCDA matching grant of $50,000 to help complete the funding of the project.

Norem commented, “Our committee has been overwhelmed by the generosity of the people of our community.  We’ve gotten a lot of money and every craftsman to date has donated their time on the construction of this.  It’s just absolutely incredible.”

In all, about $66,000 was raised locally for the project that will be matched $50,000 from the Indiana Community and Housing Development Authority. 

She said a representative from the monument company presented a prototype of what the memorial would look like when carved with the names and additional war information.  The information will be carved into black granite.  A bronze eagle will be placed high upon a black granite pedestal at the site. 

Norem mentioned that two additional benches will be purchased for the plaza for a total of six benches.  A few more trees will need to be removed as they are dead or rotted and could pose a hazard to the plaza or even the courthouse.  They will be replaced with other trees at the recommendation of a forester.  Bob Aloi will be producing a landscape plan for the area and there is enough money to purchase the tree. 

Committee member Jeff Berg put together all of the historical information for the plaza.  He and Lori Smith diligently researched the names of the fallen soldiers and information in each conflict where the local soldiers gave their lives.  He offered words to be included on the pedestal.

Jeff Berg (far right) tells County Attorney Marty Lucas more about the fallen Starke County soldiers

“This Plaza honors in gratitude all who serve and bestows sacred remembrance unto those offering their last full measure of devotion,” stated Berg.   

There will be 100 names listed on the memorial.

The project is on track to be complete before the dedication ceremony set for Veterans Day on Nov. 11.