West Central Students Return to School Wednesday

Students at the West Central School Corporation will return to school on Wednesday, Aug. 12. 

Superintendent Dan Zylstra said the West Central School Board members looked at the re-entry plan during their meeting last week.

“We’re looking forward to starting school in person on Wednesday, but we did offer a virtual option and right now we’ve got over 80 students participating and taking advantage of those options,” stated Zylstra.  “Our principals have put some really great programs in place so that students that opt for that can receive a great education and those that want to come in person can receive a great education as well.”

Zylstra stressed that many changes will be in play during this school year to be as safe as possible during the health pandemic.

“Masks are going to be part of the equation based on the governor’s order.  We’re following the social distancing protocols, we’ve installed water bottle filling stations in the place of drinking fountains, hand sanitizer is going to be abundant, and then there’s other cleaning protocols that are extra that we put into place to try and keep things safe.  Also, with our buses, we are limiting the number of kids in the buses.  We’ve had great support from our community so a lot of our parents are going to be driving their kids which freed up space on the buses so that we can make them a little more distanced.”

More information concerning the school’s COVID-19 protocols can be found on the schools website at www.wcsc.k12.in.us.