Culver Town Council to Revise Proposed Amendment to Golf Cart Ordinance

The Culver Town Council members this week reviewed several changes proposed for the town’s golf cart ordinance.

A task force has recommended language be added to the document that includes a driver of a golf cart within the town limits of Culver must be at least 16-and-a-half years old and hold an ID card issued by the state or a photo exempt ID card.  A driver will not be allowed to use a telecommunication device while operating a golf cart, similar to the law that prohibits the use of hand-held devices while driving a vehicle. 

Additionally, all golf carts must have insurance and have proof of that insurance while operating golf carts at all times on town streets.  That proof of insurance must be provided to town staff during registration.  The registration sticker must be visible at all times when a golf cart is in operation. 

Council President Ginny Bess Munroe read another provision that deals with passengers on a golf cart. 

“While in operation such golf carts must carry no more passengers than the golf carts are equipped to handle and all passengers must be seated at all times,” stated Munroe.  “Children under three years old are not to be passengers on golf carts on public streets, alleys or roads in the Town of Culver.  Under no circumstances should a child under the age of 16 years and 180 days old be allowed to operate a golf cart in the Town of Culver.  Adult passengers or drivers are not to hold children on their lap while the vehicle is in operation.”

The final amendment adjusts the fine to $150 per violation.  If more than three violations have occurred, the golf cart registration will be revoked. 

The council decided to hold off on approving the first reading of the ordinance amendment to review the requirement of a red or amber flashing light when headlamps are necessary for other motor vehicles, which is a state statute, and a lesser aggressive increase in the registration fee from $40 to $100.  Town Councilman Bill Cleavenger suggested using a height requirement of 36 inches instead of an age requirement when it comes to young children allowed to ride on a golf cart. 

A public hearing and first reading of the ordinance will be held at a meeting in October.  Culver Town Marshal Wayne Bean noted that there are 487 registered golf carts in the Town of Culver.