The Town of Winamac has added some procedures for employees who test positive for COVID-19. An ordinance outlining town employees’ quarantine procedures was unanimously approved by the town council in a special meeting Monday.
Employees who test positive won’t be allowed back to work until it’s been 10 days after their symptoms began, they’ve been fever-free for at least 48 hours, and their symptoms have improved. Those who don’t have symptoms are directed to quarantine for 10 days from when they were tested. Winamac employees who’ve been in close contact with someone who’s tested positive have to quarantine for 14 days, and be symptom free for 72 hours.
Employees in quarantine won’t have to use sick days, but they may be asked to work from home. If they leave their home when their supposed to be isolated, they’ll have to use personal time off and could face other disciplinary measures.