More Local Residents Diagnosed with COVID-19

More residents are testing positive with COVID-19, according to Wednesday’s report from the Indiana Department of Health.

Seventeen additional people in Marshall County have tested positive while another five people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Starke County and one additional person in Pulaski County. 

Throughout the state, 1,766 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and 17 more people have died from the virus. 

To date, 1,581,109 unique individuals have been tested in Indiana.  A total of 2,574,800 tests, including repeat tests for unique individuals, have been reported to the state Department of Health since February 26.

Marshall, Starke and Pulaski Counties are now shaded yellow in the state’s color-coded map which indicates a moderate level community spread of COVID-19.  In last week’s press conference with Governor Eric Holcomb, Indiana Department of Health Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lindsay Weaver explained what actions are to be taken when a county is in the yellow category.

Dr. Weaver stated, “If your county is in yellow, county health and other elected officials, health providers, school and other key stakeholders should meet regularly to discuss conditions.  You should evaluate the source of positive tests and undertake targeted testing, quarantine and isolation.  Your county should consider restrictions on the size of gatherings, employers should restrict common areas in workplaces, school officials should review plans for face coverings and social distancing for all extra-curricular activities and assemblies.” 

Starke County’s level of community spread decreased from this time last week while Pulaski County’s level has increased from low to moderate community spread.  Marshall County remains at a moderate community spread of COVID-19.