North Judson Preparing Splash Pad for Grand Opening in Spring

North Judson is making some final adjustments to its splash pad. James Young told the rest of the town council last week that the new feature at Norwayne Field was being winterized, after it had been open for a brief preview period. Utility crews were working to replace two sections of pipe to eliminate some fittings, after it was discovered that were causing a minor leak.

Town officials are planning to hold a grand opening in the spring. But before that, Council President John Rowe said they still have to decide on some rules and hours of operation.

Young said the project is on track to be substantially under budget, and they could look at adding benches and other features. Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe also pointed out that businesses may be willing to donate next year, and the town could sell brick pavers to the public to raise money for additional items.

Norwayne Field is also set to get a new restroom with the money that the Constellation of Starke region got for being a finalist in Indiana’s Stellar Communities program.