The Starke County Council reviewed a request from the Starke County Commissioners Monday night to transfer $28,000 to cover the wages for security officers at the courthouse and annex buildings.
Starke County Auditor Rachel Oesterreich explained that the shortfall came when the county had to pay all officers due to the COVID-19 shutdown of the county. All employees were paid their wages during the shutdown to ensure that they would not suffer any lost wages. That put the line item behind $28,000 for the rest of 2020.
There are typically only two security officers on duty at a time at the courthouse with one that checks both annex buildings. There are several workers that are staffed as part-time. There was a time when three security officers were funded where two were stationed at the courthouse and one solely at the annex building on Mound Street.
The commissioners discussed at their last meeting that they want to ensure that security is fully funded so there is adequate coverage for the county’s employees.
The council members approved a motion to approve the transfer of $28,000 as presented.