State to Stay at Stage 5, State Health Commissioner Tests Positive for COVID-19

Governor Eric Holcomb chose Wednesday to allow the state to stay in the fifth stage in his Back on Track plan to reopen the state in the COVID-19 health pandemic.

He stressed that just because the current Stage 5 loosened a few more restrictions, it still means that Hoosiers need to keep socially distant, wear masks, avoid large crowds, and stay home when sick.

He added there are people who are following the guidance and “more of that needs to take place.” 

He also renewed the mask mandate that is in place.

During the governor’s press conference held Wednesday afternoon, State Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box announced that she has tested positive for COVID-19.  She said that while she and her husband have included only a small family circle for gatherings and wearing masks when out in public and social distancing, the virus was introduced outside that group from her grandson, Liam’s, daycare.

“Two of their daycare workers turned up positive for COVID-19,” stated Dr. Box.  “As soon as I found that out on Tuesday afternoon, I gathered my things at work and went home.  My daughter and her wife and my grandson, Liam, we all went to get tested.  Unfortunately, our lab tests came back positive for Katherine, myself and Liam.  Katherine and Liam are mildly symptomatic.  Fortunately they seem to be doing well.  I’m not symptomatic in any way, shape or form.”

Dr. Box said the proper contact tracing has taken place.

Everyone at the State Department of Health, Governor Holcomb, and the governor’s staff will be tested Wednesday afternoon with results to possibly come back on Thursday. 

Governor Holcomb stated health officials are closely watching positivity rates and the data will drive decisions as we all move forward.