Winamac Park Board to Continue Pickleball Discussion, Get Update on Bridge Lighting

The Winamac pickleball debate is expected to continue during tonight’s park board meeting. To accommodate growing demand, pickleball players want the shared tennis and pickleball court at the Town Park to be re-equipped exclusively for pickleball. But some of the park board members wanted more time to look into options for keeping tennis somewhere in the park.

The park board will also get an update on efforts to add decorative lighting to the “swinging bridge” for its upcoming centennial. The project committee has chosen a design, which has also gotten the support of the town council.

Discussions will also continue on proposed Eagle Scout projects. Phillip Crippin has offered to add a wheelchair-accessible swing to the Town Park, while Shawn Pratt wants to install gaga ball pits at the Town Park and Rhinehart Park.

Tonight’s Winamac Park Board meeting starts at 6:00 EDT in the Winamac Municipal Utilities Complex.