Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council members are expected to consider an additional reading of the ordinances that regulate the use of golf carts and the use of animal drawn vehicles in the Town of Culver. 

During the last Town Council meeting, it was decided to add language where no person is to ride in the lap of any passenger on the golf cart or animal drawn vehicle in town limits.  The golf cart registration fee for businesses will also change to the same fee for residents which will be $60. 

Other changes include the age, height and licensing of the driver of a golf cart; information concerning insurance; the need for a red or amber flashing light for a golf cart; the number of passengers allowed on the golf cart; and a $150 fee per violation.  If more than three violations have occurred, the golf cart registration will be revoked.

In other business, the council members will hold a public hearing on an ordinance that addresses additional appropriations.  The first reading of that ordinance will be considered following the public hearing.  The council will also consider the approval of the first reading of the salary ordinance. 

The council members will also go over the park survey completed by over 200 residents on what they would like to see in the Culver parks.

Department heads will provide updates as necessary during tonight’s meeting.

The Culver Town Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. ET tonight at the Culver Beach Lodge at 819 Lake Shore Drive.