North Judson Town Council Discusses 2021 Salary Ordinance

North Judson employees will be getting a raise in 2021 as determined by the town council members in a special meeting Monday night.

Most positions will receive a four percent raise while others will get a certain per-hour increase. 

Town council members raised a point about employees who need certifications.  When they obtain certifications, they will get a bump in pay for receiving that credential.  They will still have a four percent raise with regular duties.  An increase will be given to those who work to obtain certain licenses. 

Employees will have nine paid holidays in 2021.     

The North Judson Town Council members voted to cease supplemental insurance compensation, but grandfather those who currently benefit from the offer.  If they don’t take the town’s insurance, they get $150 a month.  There are currently two employees who benefit from the compensation. 

Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe said with the increases, the town council will be able to review how it affects the 2021 budget in June and they can make more decisions at that time when 2022 budget discussions start. 

The North Judson Town Council members approved the first reading of the salary ordinance with a unanimous vote.  They then approved a motion to adopt the salary ordinance with a unanimous vote.