The Starke County Commissioners agreed to keep the county buildings closed to the public for another two weeks.
Commission President Charlie Chesak said they previously approved a motion to close the county buildings to the public and to reevaluate the situation at the December 7 commissioners meeting. They did determine Monday night that it is in their best interest to keep the buildings closed to the public. COVID-19 cases remain high in the county and they are attempting to keep everyone as healthy as possible.
Starke County EMS Director Travis Clary said that about 80 percent of ambulance calls deal with a COVID-19 patient.
Residents needing to conduct business inside the Starke County Courthouse or Annex buildings will have to call ahead and get an appointment.
Residents may access Starke County’s government website at www.co.starke.in.us to obtain information, email a certain individual, or call an office to conduct official business. Appointments can be made to see a department head by calling that office.
The commissioners also commented that the local mask mandate remains in effect. Residents are urged to wear masks in public spaces. Patrons and employees must wear a mask inside the county buildings.
If residents refuse to wear a mask inside the county buildings, business may be conducted outside of the building.
The commissioners will look reevaluate the situation again at their next meeting on December 21.