Work Planned to Improve Winamac Town Park’s Appearance

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

The Winamac Town Park will be getting some cosmetic upgrades over the coming months. Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo told the Winamac Park Board Thursday that he’s planning to hire a company for a tree maintenance project after the first of the year. That will include removing two dying silver maples near the entrance gate and trimming the trees by the softball diamond, among other work.

Meanwhile, Park Board President Jon Chapman said Jim Loehmer has volunteered to paint the Little League building in the spring, if the town supplies the paint. Chapman added that Northern Indiana Power from the Past appears to be soliciting donations for new metal for the buildings in the back of the park.

“I’m excited about them taking that initiative,” Chapman said. “That can really be a great thing for everybody that uses the park, not just Power from the Past, not just 4-H, but the overall appearance.”

Park board member and town manager Brad Zellers said a permit to install riprap near the “swinging bridge” should be finalized in the near future, after two months of waiting. It’s one of a few maintenance items being planned, ahead of the bridge’s centennial – and the planned installation of a decorative lighting feature – in 2023.