State Contact Tracing Center to Stop Calling Close Contacts, As Focus Shifts to Vaccine Registration

Indiana is once again adjusting its centralized contact tracing effort, as health officials turn their attention to vaccine distribution. State Health Commissioner Dr. Kris Box announced the change in contact tracing procedures Wednesday.

“We have decided that our centralized contact tracers will no longer make outbound calls to close contacts of positive cases,” Box explained during Wednesday’s press conference. “That being said, it is still crucial that close contacts learn of their exposure so that they can take the appropriate steps to quarantine, monitor for symptoms, and get tested.”

Box stressed that the state isn’t giving up on contact tracing. Those considered close contacts will continue to get text messages. No changes are planned with the state’s outreach to those who test positive, and they’ll continue to be encouraged to notify close contacts themselves.

Box explained that it’s a matter of making the best use of resources. “These changes will allow us to redirect some of our contact tracers to help answer calls related to registering for vaccine,” she said. “This is where our current efforts are focused, and we want to ensure that we have people available to help individuals who might be eligible for vaccine but are having difficulty registering because they lack access to a computer or don’t have an email address or a cell phone.”

At the same time, local health departments continue with their own contact tracing efforts. Box said many are now focusing on household contacts, schools, and congregate settings.