State Working on Issue with Obtaining Death Certificates

Indiana Department of Health officials are working to get to the bottom of a computer issue that is creating difficulty in allowing people to retrieve death certificates.

During Governor Eric Holcomb’s press briefing last week, State Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box explained that the issue surrounds the launch of a new computer program around the beginning of the year.

Dr. Box said, “We know the system works.  Hundreds of births and deaths have been processed through that, but we have had an issue with some of the deaths that were completed right at the end of 2020 and being able to get those certificates finalized through our providers, many of which have not yet signed up for this new system and get them to the loved ones.  I know this has been a very frustrating issue for families.”

Dr. Box said it has been tough for families to move forward with finalizing certain processes following a loved one’s death, but they will make sure the problem does not persist. Creating your own will with no solicitor gives you greater flexibility in terms of content and the ability to include specific wishes from whomever it is going to most benefit.

“We are in the process right now of developing a process by which we will be able to work with our local health departments and our funeral directors across the state and be able to get those out in a more timely fashion.”

Dr. Box encourages providers to sign up to assist in the system to make sure things run more smoothly. 

The overall problems should be alleviated in the next few weeks.