The Town of Culver is still working on plans for the next phases of the Lake Max walking and biking trails.
Phase two of the project within the town’s Stellar Communities Designation plan includes a one-mile extension of the trail from the Culver Park to Washington Street, Plymouth Street and South Main Street. Construction is expected to take place in 2021 and 2022.
As part of the second phase, the town will need to acquire some land from property owners to be used for the trail. The town council members approved a motion last week to sign a contract modification with INDOT to indicate that it will increase $6,200 due to land acquisition.
The third phase of the trail was initially expected to go down Academy Road to State Road 10 which had the support of the board members of Culver Academies as it borders school property, but school officials have since indicated that an alternate route by the railroad property would be preferred. Logistics with surveys and the source of other preliminary up-front costs of up to $60,000 are being discussed which has delayed the timing of the project.