Over One Million Hoosiers Receive First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine, Daily COVID-19 Update

Over one million Hoosiers have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine since it became available in late December.

Indiana Department of Health officials announced Monday that 1,000,321 Hoosiers have received at least the first dose with over half of those people counted as fully vaccinated.  In Marshall County, 5,921 people have received the first dose, along with 2,745 people in Starke County and 2,069 people in Pulaski County. 

As of Monday, 69 percent of Hoosiers age 80 and older, 70 percent of those ages 70 to 79 and 49 percent of Hoosiers ages 60 to 69 have scheduled a vaccine appointment or received their first dose.

Indiana residents over the age of 60, along with healthcare workers, long-term care residents and first responders are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.  Vaccination appointments can be made online at https://ourshot.in.gov or call 211. 

In its daily COVID-19 report, the Indiana Department of Health noted 555 additional COVID-19 cases in the state for a cumulative total of 662,213 cases.  For the third day in a row, Pulaski County did not report any new cases.  Marshall County had two additional people test positive with COVID-19 with one more person with a positive test in Starke County.  Not as many residents are getting COVID-19 tests. 

Twenty additional COVID-19 deaths were reported in the state bringing that total up to 12,162. 

The number of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 continues to lessen with 763 included in Monday’s report. 

The state’s school coronavirus website was updated Monday to include 421 new positive student COVID-19 cases in the state from November 27 to February 26.  There were 62 new teacher cases between January 31 and February 26 and 68 new staff COVID-19 cases between January 11 and February 26. 

North Judson-San Pierre High School had less than five new teacher cases, while all schools in the corporation saw less than five new student and staff cases.  Culver Elementary School and West Central High School and Middle School had less than five new teacher COVID-19 cases.