Pulaski Memorial Hospital has updated its visitor restrictions. Visitors will be screened for fever and other COVID-19 symptoms, and they must be identified by the patient or the patient’s health representative. General visiting hours are 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Specific guidelines vary by department: Inpatients may have one visitor age 18 or older every 24 hours. Pediatric patients may have both parents or guardians designated but only one support person there at a time, in addition to one adult visitor per day.
OB patients may have one adult support person during delivery. After delivery, up to four individuals chosen by the mother may visit once, but only two of them at a time. Emergency department and outpatient surgery patients are allowed one support person “for additional consent needs and discharge.”
Critically or terminally ill patients may be allowed additional visitors, but no more than two at a time. The hospital says visitation will ultimately be up to the nursing staff or physician on duty.