With work set to start soon on an addition to the Wanatah School, the Tri-Township Consolidated School Corporation is moving ahead with roofing upgrades at the existing building.
The school board recently agreed to have Tremco do $3,800 worth of roof repairs, at the recommendation of Superintendent Kelly Shepherd. “This is post-nuclear scan that Tremco conducted for us, where we found out really great news, which is that they deem our insulation there, essentially, 100-percent dry,” Shepherd explained. “So this would be work to tackle some small leak issues with the rubber membrane or flashing, so that we continue to keep that insulation dry.”
Shepherd said Tremco will give a presentation at the April 22 school board meeting about some long-term roof maintenance plans, along with options for an in-depth scan of the roof of LaCrosse High School’s Tiger Den gym.
School officials are also looking into several thousand dollars in server and technology upgrades for the Wanatah building, which Shepherd stressed are separate from the building project.