The Tri-Township School Board is narrowing down options for an addition to the Wanatah School. Superintendent Kelly Shepherd says board members opted to place the addition on the west side of the current building.
“Of the two final choices, there was about a $400,000 difference, due to utilities and impact of a road needing to be moved,” Shepherd explains. In addition to the cost savings, Shepherd says it’s also the best option for programming.
The addition will allow Tri-Township to move high school classes from LaCrosse to Wanatah and close the historic LaCrosse building after the 2021-2022 school year. Shepherd says the plan is to continue using LaCrosse’s Tiger Den gym, but school officials still haven’t figured out what to do with the original 1915 building.
“In my mind, when we’re ready to get going down that path, I would see the formation of a committee of school personnel and community members to try to come to some consensus on the proper path forward,” Shepherd adds. “At least that’s what my current vision is.”
In other business last week, Shepherd says the school board also finalized a responsible bidder policy, incorporating language suggested by union representatives. Board members also heard a presentation from Tremco on long-term roofing maintenance options. Shepherd says that proposed roof work would not be part of the bond-funded building project.