Oregon-Davis Looking to Add Director of Student Services and Operations Position

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation could be adding a new administrative-level position. The school board Monday agreed to advertise for a new director of student services and operations.

Superintendent Bill Bennett said the position could serve as the junior/senior high school’s dean of students, while also helping with operational issues like transportation and maintenance. “I always pride myself as a principal knowing every kid’s name,” Bennett explained. “I know Ms. Awald does and Ms. Quinn does, and I want to get to that individual level with our students, as far as developing what they need socially, emotionally, educationally, physically, making sure all their needs are met.”

Bennett said the new position would let High School Principal B.J. Awald be more productive and allow Bennett to focus more on curriculum at both schools.

The superintendent modeled the new position off of the Culver Community Schools Corporation’s new director of student services. Pay would depend on experience, but it wouldn’t exceed what the principals currently make. Bennett said the position could be funded for three years with ESSER III funds.

He’d like to have a candidate selected by the next regular school board meeting on June 28.