Memorial Swinging Bridge Project Moving Ahead with Historical Marker, Fundraising Plans

Rendering of proposed “swinging bridge” lighting feature (from

The Winamac Town Park’s “swinging bridge” may be able to get some sort of historical marker at no cost to the town. Greg Henry with the Memorial Swinging Bridge Project gave an update to the town’s park board Thursday.

“We have one church that wants to help and a couple of people said they’re willing to donate,” Henry said. “So I think we’ve got it completely covered as far as an expense, so it would be no expense to the town.”

But that would involve getting a marker that isn’t part of any state or national registries. Not only would that reduce the cost, but it would also ease restrictions on alterations to the bridge in the future.

Greg and Brenda Henry accept a donation from Wayne Bonnell (photo provided by Memorial Swinging Bridge Project)

Henry said the fundraising effort for a decorative lighting feature to commemorate the bridge’s upcoming centennial is now up to $40,000. Project organizers say they recently got $2,000 from the Bonnell Family Golf Fund and $1,000 from the First Presbyterian Church of Winamac.

The park board Thursday agreed to let the Memorial Swinging Bridge Project hold a “ball release” fundraiser at the Town Park this summer. Henry said the idea is to release hundreds of numbered balls into the Tippecanoe River on the east side of the park, in a race to the “swinging bridge” on the west side. “So we’re going to try and sell those for a fundraiser, and then the first one that crosses underneath the bridge will win $1,000,” Henry explained. “Second place, we haven’t settled on, but I think it’ll be $500, $250 for third place. All balls will be numbered. We’re going to sell tickets, so the tickets will match the balls.”

Henry will now take the idea to the VFW, whose gaming license will be required. He stressed that even if the group doesn’t meet its $275,000 goal, any money raised would still be dedicated to the bridge’s upkeep. He also noted that the lighting project could be scaled back, to match the available funding.

Winamac First Presbyterian Church Pastor Nancy Brinklow, Janice Leadbetter, Ryan Hoefflicker, Nicole Hoefflicker, Ginger Hoefflicker, Richard Leadbetter (WWII veteran), Roger Hoefflicker, Greg Henry, Rana Parish, Alvin Parish, Buck Parcel (Korean War Veteran), Elaine Voltz, Carolyn Boos, Brenda Henry (photo provided by Memorial Swinging Bridge Project)