Starke County Commissioners to Meet Tonight

The Starke County Commissioners will meet tonight where County Attorney Marty Lucas is expected to update the board on the bid status with Constellation of Starke.  Constellation of Starke was a finalist in the 2019 Regional Stellar Communities Designation.

Tom DeCola, who is representing Argento LLC, submitted a petition for vacation request which will be considered by the commissioners tonight.  The Starke County EMA Advisory Board will present a request for a full-time EMA Director salary as well as a vehicle for the newly-hired EMA director to use.  The commissioners will also consider opting out of the opioid litigation.  A resolution will be presented for possible approval.

The Starke County Commissioners will meet at 6 p.m. CT tonight in the ground floor meeting room at the Starke County Annex No. 1 building at 53 E. Mound Street in Knox.