Starke County Council Holds Preliminary Budget Discussion with Department Heads

The Starke County Council members met with Auditor Rachel Oesterreich and county department heads to take a preliminary look at the budget and what budget requests may be presented.

Oesterreich told WKVI news that the coroner pay was increased and a request by Starke County Prosecutor Leslie Baker was approved to increase pay for a paralegal/clerk. 

The EMA Director position will be a full-time position with the understanding that the director will also be the ADA Coordinator. 

The WIC nurse coordinator position also received an increase in pay. 

There were no other requests.  Oesterreich said the budget turned in for 2022 was less than the 2021 budget.  All funds, including all 152 funds, total $17.5 million at this time. 

The council has yet to hold meetings to take formal action on the budget with the chance for public input prior to its submission to the state for approval.  Those meetings will happen yet this summer and fall.  

They will not be meeting Monday, June 21, but will hold their next regular meeting on July 19.