Knox Looking to Turn Donated Sabre Property into Industrial Popup, City Storage

A property donation could mean a popup space for a new industry and extra storage for the City of Knox. During a special meeting Tuesday, the city council voted to accept the gift of the Sabre property on State Road 8, at the recommendation of Mayor Dennis Estok.

“They want to gift that,” Estok explained. “The SCILL Center turned it down. They want to gift it to a not-for-profit, so I expressed interest in that, and they’re willing to do that. We’ve been talking for about a month now on this.”

Estok’s plan is to keep one of the two parcels and use its two buildings to store city equipment. “Our leaf vac that they pull, the big one, that sits outside,” he said. “We have nowhere to put that. There’s a tractor that the wastewater and the water [departments] split. That sits outside most of the time.”

The mayor said he’d like to see the other parcel be used as a popup space for a small industry. “If that doesn’t work, we’re going to try to sell,” he added, “and if that doesn’t work, then we’re just going to auction it off.”

Those plans are also expected to go to the Knox Redevelopment Commission for its approval.