Oregon-Davis to Require Doctor’s Note for Virtual Learning Option

Oregon-Davis School Board: Ben Lady, Chris Lawrence, Brandie Ecker, Lee Nagai, Kyle Hinds, and Superintendent Bill Bennett

Oregon-Davis students who want to learn virtually will now need a doctor’s note. The reopening plan for the 2021-2022 school year was approved by the school board Monday, according to Superintendent Bill Bennett.

“At this time, the virtual option will be, basically, by application only or, in the event a student does come down with COVID, we will set up a virtual environment for them,” Bennett explains.

Bennett says masks will be allowed, but not required, in school buildings. But they’ll still have to be worn on buses, based on the current CDC recommendations and federal regulations.

The reopening plan is a required step, in order for schools to be eligible for federal ESSER III funds.