Be Alert during Harvest Season

Motorists are urged to take caution during this part of the year as farmers begin harvest season.

More slow-moving agricultural equipment will be traveling on rural roads and highways.  Farm equipment could include tractors, combines, grain carts, grain wagons, and large trucks.  Indiana State Department of Agriculture Director Bruce Kettler said they often travel at 25 miles-per-hour or less and sometimes take up most of the road so everyone must exercise patience. 

Equipment operators will pull over when they are able to let motorists pass.  Do not try to pass a slow-moving vehicle on the left without ensuring that the vehicle is not planning a left turn.  It may appear that the driver is pulling over to allow cars to pass, but is actually preparing to turn. 

According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, farm equipment vehicles were involved in three accidents, with one fatality in Indiana in 2019.