Starke County Commissioners Review Electronic Meeting Policy Ordinance

The Starke County Commissioners reviewed an ordinance last week that would allow the commissioners to continue to meet on a virtual platform. 

The ordinance points to House Enrolled Act 1437 which authorizes a governing body to attend public meeting electronically.  If a commissioner attends the meeting electronically, then a roll call vote will be taken as long as the participant can be seen and heard while participating electronically. 

A commissioner may not attend more than 50 percent of meetings electronically in a calendar year, and only two meetings in a row may be attended in this fashion, unless there are extenuating circumstances. 

The commissioner attending electronically may not vote to adopt a budget, make a reduction in personnel, initiate a referendum, impose or increase a fee, impose or increase a penalty, exercise a power of eminent domain or establish, impose or renew a tax. 

The commissioners approved the ordinance with a unanimous vote.