Starke County Food Distribution Program to Hand Out Final Round of Vouchers Next Wednesday

Starke County will be handing out its third and final round of food vouchers next Wednesday. Residents signed up for the county’s Food Distribution Program can pick up their vouchers on September 15 starting at 8:00 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room in Starke County Annex Building No. 1. Signup ended on August 13, and no new applicants are being accepted.

While the first two rounds of vouchers provided $100 for residents to use at local grocery stores, Auditor Rachel Oesterreich says the final voucher will only be for $75, since grant funds have been exhausted. The program was funded with $150,000 the county got from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs COVID-19 Response Program.

Oesterreich recommends that those picking up vouchers Wednesday wear a mask, due to the large amount of traffic anticipated. She asks that only one person from each household attend the pickup.

More than 1,200 residents have gotten help through the Starke County Food Distribution Program.