Stakeholders in the Town of Culver are coming together to make plans for the future of the town.
Culver Town Manager Ginny Bess Munroe said Cheryl Morphew from CRMorphew Consulting, LLC led the group in conversations of what to include in economic development in an updated comprehensive plan.
Munroe stated, “Because comprehensive plans cover a lot of land usage and planning of where you’re going to eventually grow your town, put in housing, or whatever the case is, economic development is a huge component of that.”
Munroe said stakeholders, along with county partners and members of the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Communities Initiative, gathered to see what is next for Culver.
“We will focus on things like quality of place, small business development, downtown development, and attraction. We also decided that we should focus more on publicity, communication and marketing, and make our communication more efficient, more regular and consistent. We also want to celebrate more of our successes,” said Munroe.
She noted that this was an effort after gathering input from surveys of town stakeholders earlier this year that focused on what Culver is currently facing in terms of strengths and challenges and will build plans in collaboration with everyone at the table, much of what occurred when the Marshall County Crossroads team began work on the Stellar application.