North Judson Seeking Input for Five-Year Park Plan

The Town of North Judson is letting the public give input on the town’s park facilities. An online survey is available, asking residents’ opinions on the Town Park and Norwayne Field, along with what they’d like to see in the future throughout the town.

Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe told the town council Monday that an in-person engagement event is scheduled for Thursday, October 28. “Basically, what they’re going to do is create boards with the images: basically, ‘Here’s the Town Park, here’s some development ideas or concepts. What would you most like to see or other kind of thing?” Everybody who visits would take sticky notes and put it on the ones they are most attracted to, whether it’s sculptures, playground equipment, natural play equipment, sand volleyball, pickleball, that kind of thing,” Rowe explained.

Next Thursday’s public engagement session will take place from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. in the North Judson-San Pierre Middle School Bluejay Room.

North Judson is working with the Troyer Group to develop a new five-year parks master plan. That, in turn, qualifies the town for grant opportunities. The Starke County and Winamac park boards are also conducting surveys for their own plans.