The Knox Board of Works agreed to move forward with a design build contract to improve the city’s water quality.
The media at the city’s well needs to be replaced, which consists of gravel, sand, green sand and anthracite. The media is a filter that removes iron, manganese and hardness from the water before it reaches a consumer’s home.
The filter material is expected to correct the manganese levels in the water, which are currently above perimeters. It will also improve the quality of water after several complaints have been filed at the Knox Water Department.
Curt Kent from Peerless Midwest explained the process to the Knox Board of Works members in a special meeting Thursday morning and the project is expected to cost around $147,000.
The process to clear out the existing material and installing the new material at each of the city’s three wells will take several months, but the availability of water should not be affected as one well will be done at a time. Some updating to the hatch in order for workers to get into the tank will also be done as a part of this project.
After more explanation about the general project and materials needed, the Board of Works members approved a motion to approve a design build contract with Peerless Midwest. The company submitted the lower of two quotes gathered for the project and they have done work for the city in the past.