Jeffrey Baumgartner and Mary Ann Nusbaum presented the Culver Town Council members with information last week about a Culver “Plein Air” Paint Out event.
The event would be held September 23-25, 2022 and would feature work by at least 25 artists from all around the county and country that would paint all during the weekend. A meet and greet with artists would be that Friday night, with a quick paint event Saturday morning and then painters will paint on Sunday with an opportunity to win awards. The public will have a chance to see the artists work around town and purchase paintings Sunday afternoon.
Partnerships have been formed with Converse, Indiana Paint Out, Culver Academies, Culver Lions Club, Culver-Union Township Public Library, Culver Visitors Center, and other local entities.
Over $5,000 in awards is anticipated.
There were questions about alcohol at the event and a certificate of insurance, and that will be cleared up before the event occurs. The special event permit will be filed which will be presented to the council for approval. The council was supportive of the event.