More Donations Given Toward Memorial Swinging Bridge Project in Winamac

Rendering of proposed “swinging bridge” lighting feature (from

More generous donations have been made toward the Memorial Swinging Bridge project in Winamac. 

NextEra Energy Resources, LLC (Moss Creek Solar) provided $2,000 toward the project.  Additionally, Barry and Li Fostvelt provided $1,000 in honor of the memory of Kevin Wang and all veterans from Pulaski County. 

Ally Sexton and Zack Melda from NextEra, and from the Project, Cindy Hickle and Greg Henry

The Memorial Swinging Bridge was built to memorialize Pulaski County soldiers from all wars.  Committee and community members will celebrate the bridge’s centennial in July 2023 with a project in the works to light the bridge before that celebration. 

Barry & Li Fostvelt with Greg Henry

The estimated $295,000 cost of the project includes the installation of 3,900 computer-controlled, waterproof LED lights in a variety of colors, and the electronics that will allow the Town of Winamac to control the lights, changing them to different color combinations, according to information previously submitted by Karen Fritz. The LED light fixtures will have a rated life of 12 years, and the tower and base fixtures will have a rated life of 25 years. The lights are fully encased in waterproof materials and are rated to withstand flooding.

Over $100,000 of the funding goal has been collected.  For more information, call 574-242-1031 or email  

Photos provided