North Judson Redevelopment Commission Discusses Projects in Special Meeting

Picture Source: Town of North Judson FB Page

The North Judson Redevelopment Commission members met Monday night to discuss investment opportunities and proposed projects.

The members are looking to invest the railroad funds to get a better return and will review options after the first of the year with local banks. 

Additionally, the Redevelopment Commission members are looking to purchase iPads for the North Judson Town Council members to reduce the amount of paper used at meetings.  The iPads could be purchased with American Rescue Plan Act funds as the council members could attend meetings virtually, if necessary, or offer that option on a long-term basis for residents. 

The North Judson Redevelopment Commission also talked about future projects such as downtown lighting, road striping, crosswalks and façade grants, but no formal decisions were made about any discussion topics.  They will discuss them more in upcoming meetings.