Construction Project at North Judson-San Pierre Elementary School Ongoing

Crews continue to work on the construction project at the North Judson-San Pierre Elementary School building.

Corporation Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin said demolition continues in part of the building, but will continue to finish what has been constructed in the academic section of the school. 

Dr. Zupin stated, “We still have demolition going on, but they will be starting to paint the classrooms and hallways, and they’re going to start to install the ceilings and the lights.  They are currently working on the domestic water lines.  Things are progressing pretty well and on schedule so far.”

Dr. Zupin said the construction work for the academic section of the school should be complete by the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, but there is a delay with the roofing materials for the gym so it is unknown when that part of the project will be finished.