Pulaski County Commissioners, Council to Improve Notification Efforts to Employees When Emergencies Occur

The Pulaski County Commissioners and Pulaski County Council members will be looking into an electronic notification system to warn employees of county road or county building closures during inclement weather or other emergency. 

Commission President Chuck Mellon commented that there is a call tree in place now, but not all employees get the notification in a timely manner or not at all.  Council President Ken Boswell said that is an antiquated system and the county should find something that is more updated and reliable. 

Mellon stated that he looked at different pieces of software to implement that the government leaders could use that would be inexpensive and easy to operate. 

Mellon said the school corporations use blackboard, but he will look at different programs with the county’s IT company to find the best solution. 

Additionally, Mellon mentioned that when the county buildings are closed due to a red level status, or a Travel Warning, employees can use comp time, PTO time or emergency unpaid leave, as it states in the Employee Handbook.  If the status is orange, or Watch Level travel advisory, and an employee cannot make it to work, then they are to choose from those three options.  Commissioner Maurice Loehmer commented that working from home is not an option in the handbook.