There will be an effort to look into moving the North Judson-San Pierre 6th grade students into a separate building in the near future.
Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin stated that the 6th grade teachers gave a presentation to the school board Tuesday night which included that proposal. The 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students have been in the old Middle School building as construction continues at the Elementary School.
“There have been some advantages to having the 6th grade separate,” explained Dr. Zupin. “So they asked permission to explore the idea of a 6th grade campus next year where the 6th grade would be by themselves over in the middle school. They spoke about the opportunities to serve the 6th graders in their academic, social and emotional needs, and the separate, unique setting.”
Dr. Zupin said the board liked the concept and granted permission to look into exploring that.
A formal decision will be made once more research is done.