The Culver Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, April 19 at 6:30 p.m. ET concerning an application to rezone 415 Lakeshore Drive from a commercial (C-2) zone to a Planned Unit Development zone. The property is where the former City Tavern building used to stand.
The initial plans called for two residential buildings. One building would have three units, and a second building would have four units and an English-style basement. The buildings would be 25 feet and 27 feet in height, respectively.
Access to the property would be off of Coolidge Street and an enclosed outbuilding would be featured to accommodate golf cart parking.
A previous public hearing resulted in the interested parties withdrawing the application to make revisions as several residents took issue with the size of the project on the available property, the size of the project in general, aesthetics, parking on Lakeview, traffic flow, safety, and setbacks for visibility purposes.
The hearing on April 19 will be held in the Culver High School Auditorium at 701 School Street. Information and the plans for the property can be found at the Culver Town Hall. Additional assistance may be provided by Culver Town Manager Ginny Bess Munroe by calling 574-842-3140.
According to the notice, the petitioner and interested parties will be allowed to participate online, provide comment through email, or call in to the meeting.