A committee meeting will be held soon to consider putting a temporary crosswalk on County Road 1450 in Francesville as a way to make it safer for children and residents in that area.
Debbie Mix from Purdue Extension, who is a Community Wellness Coordinator, explained to the Pulaski County Commissioners and Pulaski County Council that people have contacted her about improving safety in that area.
“Over by their baseball fields, which is on North Bill Street – but it turns into 1450 which is a county road,” stated Mix. “One of things that they have said is that it is really a dangerous situation for kids when baseball games are playing. Cars just park everywhere and it’s a very wide road because it’s really made for semis.”
She approached the Francesville Town Council about the concept of installing a temporary crosswalk in that area with the goal of slowing down traffic. The measure will be analyzed to see how it works in the area.
A Tactical Urbanism grant will be sought next year to get the funds to pay for this venture.
Commission President Chuck Mellon and County Council member Mike Tiede have agreed to be a part of the committee as well as County Highway Superintendent Gary Kruger. A meeting will be held sometime in April.