Pulaski County Commissioners Receive Update on Courthouse Project Timeline

Renovation work at the Pulaski County Courthouse could begin late this year.

Pulaski County Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer explained to the commissioners last week that time will be taken to take many aspects of the project under consideration prior to the start of renovations.

“We’re making sure that we dive into every possible hiccup and obstacle given the historic nature and age of the building, making sure that we devote due time and consideration to finding the best places to relocate offices temporarily, and to avoid and hiccups with the General Election and the location of the Clerk’s Office.  We’re currently looking at early-to-mid November for a construction start.”

Updated drawings will be provided to Origer which will be shared with steering committee members and the commissioners and council with a steering committee meeting to be held soon after those documents are digested.