After receiving input from the COVID-19 Pandemic Medical Task Force, officials at Pulaski Memorial Hospital amended the visitor restrictions.
Visitor restrictions have been put into place to help minimize the spread of respiratory illnesses such as the flu and COVID-19.
All visitors will be asked to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms. Masks must be worn inside the facilities at all times.
Inpatients in the Medical/Surgical unit may have two visitors, 18 years of age and older, at any time between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. ET. Visitors of COVID-19 positive patients will need to wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
Pediatric patients may have both parents/legal guardians present at a time. Two additional visitors may also visit.
Patients receiving outpatient procedures may have one support person with them throughout the procedure while Emergency Department patients may have one support person. Additional visitors may be allowed at the discretion of the charge nurse.
If a patient is critically or terminally ill, additional visitors may be allowed at two people at a time.
Rotating visitors should wait outside until previous visitors leave.
For more information, call the hospital at 574-946-2100.