Pulaski County Commissioners, Council to Work with Baker Tilly on ARPA Plan

The Pulaski County Commissioners and Pulaski County Council members discussed potential projects that would be funded with American Rescue Plan Act funds when they met in joint session Monday night.

Commission President Chuck Mellon stressed that the initial list contains talking points only and that the Plan has not been finalized.  The county leaders have included on the list a new ambulance, the recovery of lost revenue, air quality upgrades at the West Annex and at the Courthouse, and broadband infrastructure. 

The county is getting $2.4 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds. 

Councilwoman Kathi Thompson suggested hiring Baker Tilly to help the county walk through the Plan and to help best utilize what revenue the county gets beyond the American Rescue Plan Act funds.  She noted that the company knows Pulaski County so she feels the company would be best to work with county officials.

The contract with Baker Tilly would not exceed $45,000. 

The council approved the contract with a vote of 3-2 with Rudy Desabatine and Michael “Big Mike” Tiede voting against the motion.  Kathi Thompson, Adam Loehmer and Tim Overmyer voted in favor of the motion.

The commissioners approved the motion with a unanimous vote.