Pulaski County Commissioners Sign Letter of Support for Pre-Trial Grant

The Pulaski County Commissioners agreed to sign a letter of support for a Pre-Trial Release program grant during their last meeting.

Pulaski County Superior Court Judge Crystal Kocher explained that the Pulaski/Cass Community Corrections Board approved the grant application and it is ready for submittal prior to the May 4 deadline date.

She noted that Pre-Trial Release is completely grant funded. 

Judge Kocher also said a grant application will be submitted by May 4 for the Veterans Treatment Court.

“It’s also completely grant funded,” stated Judge Kocher.  “I believe the total amount we’re asking for this year is $138,000, which takes care of our coordinator, our public defender, treatment providers, as well as drug screens and other things that are necessary for the Veterans Treatment Court.”

The commissioners did not need to take formal action on that application, but they did thank Judge Kocher and the staff for putting in the effort in getting the grants to assist the county in presenting the residents with programs.