Town of North Judson Receives Word from DNR on Five Year Master Parks Plan

The Town of North Judson recently received word from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources on the town’s submission of its Five Year Master Parks Plan, according to Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe.

“Our plan has been approved,” stated Rowe.  “The letter certified that our community is eligible to apply for Land and Water Conservation Fund grants through the DNR in the 2022 grant year.  This is our first park plan, maybe, ever.  I know we just did our comprehensive plan and that had been the first one for quite a few decades so I’m guessing this is probably the first real comprehensive Five Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan that the Town has undertaken.  It’s an exciting step toward revitalizing and modernizing our parks.”

Rowe said at least two North Judson Town Council members will be tentatively meeting with the Park Board members on the last Monday of April on the next steps.

Rowe continued, “Later in the Spring/Summertime is when those grant applications will be due so we’ll be looking forward to a discussion with The Troyer Group.  They’ve got a lot of experience in this regard with pursuing the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant.”

Discussions will surround priority projects to include in the grant application.