Pulaski County Commissioners Discuss REACT Building and the Sale of Property

The Pulaski County Commissioners held a discussion with Angela Jennings from Pulaski County REACT Monday morning concerning the organization’s building on property the commissioners and Pulaski County Council would like to sell. 

The building is located on land where the former county home was located. 

Commission President Chuck Mellon said in 2013 the organization became inactive and was later reactivated under a different entity in 2016.  At the present time, paperwork cannot be found that talked about a 99-year lease. 

Jennings said she would like to stay where they are now.  She told the commissioners that a big red box truck is in the building on the property, along with generators, portable lighting, two trucks, and files. 

County Attorney Kevin Tankersley said the biggest question is that lease.  He noted that in past meeting minutes, the notion was brought to the commissioners, but apparently no lease was ever drafted. 

Mellon stated that the county does not want to disband the organization, but the county wants to sell the land.  The county could have the option of carving out the parcels where the REACT building is situated and sell the rest. 

Commissioner Mike McClure said he would like to see this issue to go back to the council, draft a lease with REACT for operations, keep the building, and sell the rest of the land.  Tankersley said a survey will need to be done to get a legal description for the sale.

The commissioners agreed to do a survey and then go back to the council to see if they agree to that and then move forward from there.